加拿大军方任命了第一位土著知识维护者,以融合土著习俗。 Canadian military appoints first Indigenous Knowledge Keeper to integrate native practices.
加拿大武装部队任命前自由党议员Robert-Falcon Ouellette为准尉,作为他们的第一位土著知识保管人。 The Canadian Armed Forces appointed Warrant Officer Robert-Falcon Ouellette, a former Liberal MP, as their first Indigenous Knowledge Keeper. 这个新角色将在温尼伯举行宣传仪式,目的是将土著精神习俗和知识纳入军队,反映将土著观点纳入军队的努力。 The new role, to be marked by a promotion ceremony in Winnipeg, aims to integrate Indigenous spiritual practices and knowledge within the military, reflecting efforts to include Indigenous perspectives.