Vouch 通过 AI 驱动的功能扩展产品,以提高酒店效率和收入。 Vouch expands offerings with AI-powered features for hospitality efficiency and revenue.
酒店运营管理提供商Vouch已通过人工智能功能扩展其产品,以提高酒店业的效率和收入. Vouch, a hotel operations management provider, has expanded its offerings with AI-powered features to enhance efficiency and revenue in the hospitality sector. 关键创新包括快速设置客人经验平台以及分析客人行为的AI上市工具。 Key innovations include a rapid setup for its Guest Experience Platform and an AI upselling tool that analyzes guest behavior. Vouch 最近获得了 250 万美元的资金,以进一步开发其 AI 功能,并将在整个 10 月免费试用其解决方案。 Vouch recently secured $2.5 million in funding to further develop its AI capabilities and is offering a free trial of its solutions throughout October.