伍斯特在学生负担能力方面排名第 9,牛津排名第 2;Southend-on-Sea 最实惠,伦敦最贵。 Worcester ranked 9th, Oxford 2nd in student affordability; Southend-on-Sea most affordable, London priciest.
Vape Global的一项研究将英国各城市列为学生负担得起的城市,发现第九和牛津大学第二昂贵,原因是租金高,杂货和运输成本高。 A study by Vape Globe ranked UK cities for student affordability, finding Worcester ninth and Oxford second most expensive due to high rent and costs for groceries and transport. 尽管租金较高,但由于水电费低和公园多,在海上的南端成为最可负担的城市。 Southend-on-Sea topped as the most affordable city, despite higher rent, due to low utility costs and numerous parks. 伦敦是最昂贵的城市. London was the priciest city overall.