一名威尔士男子在警察高速追逐后被捕。 A Welsh man was arrested after a high-speed police chase following reports of dangerous driving on the M6.
一名来自南威尔士的35岁男子在警方追捕后被捕。 警方首先报告,他在切希尔Middewich附近的Middewich的M6高速公路上转弯和打锥子。 A 35-year-old man from South Wales was arrested after a police chase that began with reports of him swerving and hitting cones on the M6 motorway near Middlewich, Cheshire. 追击行动包括警车和一架直升机,当警察在霍尼顿路上使用刺棍装置阻止他的大众汽车Amarok时,追击行动即告结束。 The pursuit, which included police cars and a helicopter, ended when officers used a stinger device to stop his Volkswagen Amarok on Honiton Way. 他被怀疑驾驶危险,没有停车,也没有提供标本。 He is suspected of dangerous driving, failing to stop, and failing to provide a specimen.