一名男子在格拉斯哥被捕,此前警方因未停止追逐两英里,被指控犯有交通罪。 A man was arrested in Glasgow after a two-mile police chase for failing to stop, charged with traffic offenses.
一名34岁的男子在格拉斯哥被捕,因为他在Saracen街没有为警察停车时开始追逐两英里的警察。 A 34-year-old man was arrested in Glasgow after a two-mile police chase that began when he failed to stop for officers on Saracen Street. 追逐在牛顿街结束,未报告有人受伤。 The pursuit ended on Newton Street with no reported injuries. 他被指控犯有道路交通违规罪,定于星期一出庭。 He has been charged with road traffic offenses and is set to appear in court on Monday.