垂直农业适应新技术,面临挑战,但有望成为可持续的食品解决方案。 Vertical farming adapts with new tech, facing challenges but poised as a sustainable food solution.
垂直农业面临高能源成本和竞争等挑战,但仍然是可持续食品生产的有前途的解决方案。 Vertical farming faces challenges like high energy costs and competition but remains a promising solution for sustainable food production. 尽管最近公司倒闭了,但该行业适应了先进的 LED 照明等新技术,并从转向可再生能源中受益。 Despite recent company failures, the sector adapts with new technologies like advanced LED lighting, and benefits from shifting towards renewable energy sources. 垂直农业可以有效地利用水和土地,随着全球粮食需求的增长和化石燃料使用量的减少,垂直农业变得至关重要。 Vertical farming efficiently uses water and land, making it crucial as global food demands grow and fossil fuel usage declines. 成功案例表明,它有可能提高作物质量和产量,使其成为未来粮食系统的关键参与者。 Success stories show its potential to enhance crop quality and yield, positioning it as a key player in future food systems.