涉嫌参与2018年多伦多枪击案的嫌疑人, 包括说唱歌手Smoke Dawg的谋杀案, 在阿尔伯塔省被捕. Suspect wanted for 2018 Toronto shootings, including rapper Smoke Dawg's murder, arrested in Alberta.
自 2018 年以来,一名因枪杀多伦多说唱歌手 Smoke Dawg 而被通缉的嫌疑人和另一名男子在艾伯塔省的一次交通拦截中被捕。 A suspect wanted since 2018 for the fatal shooting of Toronto rapper Smoke Dawg and another man was arrested in Alberta during a traffic stop. 嫌犯在枪击时是未成年人,现在面临十几项指控,包括谋杀和火器罪。 The suspect, a minor at the time of the shooting, now faces over a dozen charges including murder and firearm offenses. 另一人Alysha Chand也被逮捕,并被指控与交通站有关。 Another person, Alysha Chand, was also arrested and charged in connection with the traffic stop. 两人预计不久将出庭。 Both are scheduled to appear in court soon.