Sen Warren在HHS确认听证会上质疑Kennedy的疫苗立场和财政联系。 Sen. Warren questions Kennedy's vaccine stance and financial ties during HHS confirmation hearing.
在罗伯特·肯尼迪(Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)为卫生与人类服务秘书举行的确认听证会上,参议员伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)质疑他潜在的利益冲突,因为他过去因对疫苗制造者提起诉讼而获得财政收益。 During Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s confirmation hearing for Health and Human Services Secretary, Senator Elizabeth Warren questioned his potential conflict of interest due to his past financial gains from lawsuits against vaccine makers. Warren要求Kennedy承诺在其任期内和四年内不接受制药公司的补偿,但Kennedy只同意遵守道德准则,而不是放弃起诉制药公司。 Warren demanded Kennedy commit to not accepting compensation from drug companies during and for four years after his tenure, but Kennedy only agreed to comply with ethical guidelines, not to forgo suing drug companies. Warren对肯尼迪的反疫苗立场可能影响公共卫生政策和诉讼表示关切。 Warren expressed concern that Kennedy's anti-vaccine stance could influence public health policies and lawsuits.