萨斯喀彻温省和艾伯塔省国家发展计划在工作人员短缺和病人死亡的情况下批评保健政策。 Saskatchewan and Alberta NDP criticize healthcare policies amid staff shortages and patient deaths.
萨斯喀彻温省的新民主党批评省政府的医疗保健政策, 理由是由于缺乏人员和789天的服务中断而导致的病人死亡. Saskatchewan's NDP is criticizing the provincial government's healthcare policies, citing the death of a patient redirected due to a lack of staff and 789 days of service disruptions since 2018. 加拿大医疗协会还呼吁作出改进,侧重于团队护理和减少行政任务。 The Canadian Medical Association also called for improvements, focusing on team-based care and reducing administrative tasks. 阿尔伯塔省新民主党反对 UCP 政府停止追踪非手术等待名单上的死亡人数的决定,理由是 2023-24 年有超过 15,000 人死亡,并呼吁为医疗专业人员提供更好的支持。 Alberta's NDP opposes the UCP government's decision to stop tracking deaths on nonsurgical wait lists, citing over 15,000 deaths in 2023-24 and calling for better support for medical professionals.