在交通拦截失败后,警方和特警在拉斯维加斯的家中与嫌疑人对峙。 Police and SWAT face standoff with suspect in Las Vegas home after failed traffic stop.
拉斯维加斯大都会警察局和特警队正在与一名被通缉的嫌疑人进行持续的对峙,该嫌疑人在周三晚上 7 点左右一次交通拦截失败后逃进了一所房子。 The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department and a SWAT team are involved in an ongoing standoff with a wanted suspect who fled into a home after a failed traffic stop Wednesday around 7 p.m. 事件地点在内利斯大道和拉斯维加斯谷道附近。 The incident is located near Nellis Boulevard and Vegas Valley Drive. 当局正在努力说服嫌疑人离开住所,建议公众避开该地区。 Authorities are working to persuade the suspect to exit the residence, and the public is advised to avoid the area.