旧Saybrook警察在一个废弃的房子里 发现了70多头死动物 展开刑事调查 Old Saybrook police discover over 70 dead animals in an abandoned home, launching a criminal investigation.
康涅狄格州Old Saybrook警方发现70多只死动物, 包括兔子、鸡、猫和臭鼬, Police in Old Saybrook, Connecticut found over 70 dead animals, including rabbits, chickens, cats, and a skunk, in an abandoned home on Wednesday. 清洁人员必须清除被认为无法居住的财产中的尸体和碎片。 Cleaning crews had to remove carcasses and debris from the property deemed uninhabitable. 旧Saybrook警察局正在调查此案,对动物虐待采取零容忍态度,并计划追究责任方的责任。 The Old Saybrook Police Department is investigating the case with a zero-tolerance stance on animal mistreatment, planning to hold the responsible parties accountable.