利比里亚记者在体育活动中被警官打伤;新闻联盟谴责使用武力。 Liberian journalist injured by police officer during sports event; press union condemns use of force.
利比里亚新闻联盟强烈谴责警官Michael Toe在国家县体育大会期间对英国广播公司记者Moses Garzeawu使用武力。 The Press Union of Liberia (PUL) strongly condemned the use of force by police officer Michael Toe against BBC journalist Moses Garzeawu during the National County Sports Meet. 在SKD体育综合体发生的事件使Garzeawu腿部受伤,手机受损,损失300美元。 The incident at SKD Sports Complex left Garzeawu with a leg injury, a damaged phone, and the loss of $300. PUL正在参与警方正在进行的调查,并呼吁记者与执法部门之间加强合作。 The PUL is participating in the police's ongoing investigation and calls for better cooperation between journalists and law enforcement.