Jersey Mike的经理报告说,Door Dash司机把顾客的食物带到浴室,引起对食品安全的担心。 Jersey Mike's manager reports DoorDash driver took customer's food into bathroom, sparking food safety concerns.
Jersey Mike的经理Leah张贴了一段视频,显示一名DoorDash司机据称将顾客的食物带到浴室。 A Jersey Mike's manager, Leah, posted a video showing a DoorDash driver allegedly taking a customer's food into the bathroom. 她试图向DoorDash报告这一事件,但不清楚他们是否通知了客户。 She tried to report the incident to DoorDash, but it's unclear if they informed the customer. Leah强调了对食品安全的关切,导致讨论了食品交付服务的卫生做法。 Leah highlighted concerns about food safety, leading to discussions on the hygiene practices of food delivery services.