在Newark,DE, Arby的雇员在抢劫中被喷洒化学剂,抢劫时一名黑帽男从保险柜偷现金。 In Newark, DE, an Arby's employee was sprayed with a chemical agent during a robbery where a man in a black hoodie stole cash from a safe.
在DE纽瓦克,Arby的雇员在抢劫期间被用化学剂喷洒,另一人被迫到餐馆另一处。 In Newark, DE, an Arby's employee was sprayed with a chemical agent and another forced to another part of the restaurant during a robbery. 一名穿黑帽帽和戴滑雪面罩的男子进入餐馆,进入保险箱,偷走了一笔数额不明的现金,然后逃离。 A man in a black hoodie and ski mask entered the restaurant, accessed a safe, and stole an unspecified amount of cash before fleeing. 雇员受轻伤,正在恢复。 The employees suffered minor injuries and are recovering. 特拉华州警察局正在调查并寻求情报以找到嫌疑人。 Delaware State Police are investigating and seeking information to locate the suspect.