印度总理莫迪为纳夫拉特里节写了Garba歌曲《Aavati Kalay》, Indian PM Modi writes Garba song "Aavati Kalay" for Navratri festival, honoring Goddess Durga.
印度总理莫迪(Narendra Modi)写了一首名为“Aavati Kalay”的Garba歌曲, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has written a Garba song titled "Aavati Kalay" to honor Goddess Durga during the Navratri festival. 这首歌在社交媒体上分享,反映了庆祝者之间的奉献和团结。 Shared on social media, the song reflects devotion and unity among celebrants. Navratri是一个重要的印度教节日,持续9晚,通过礼拜、仪式和传统舞蹈庆祝神圣的女性。 Navratri, a significant Hindu festival lasting nine nights, celebrates the divine feminine through worship, rituals, and traditional dances. 莫迪希望这首歌将激起Maa Durga在节日期间的祝福。 Modi hopes the song will inspire blessings from Maa Durga during this festive period.