Brost's Fashions的火灾被裁定是意外的;大面积的破坏导致布鲁金斯的建筑物倒塌。 Fire at Brost's Fashions ruled accidental; extensive damage causes building collapses in Brookings.
12月Brost's Fashions的火灾 布鲁金斯市中心,南达科他州, 被裁定为意外事故, A December fire at Brost's Fashions in downtown Brookings, South Dakota, has been ruled accidental with an undetermined cause due to extensive damage. 28小时的烈火导致一栋大楼全面倒塌,七宋鸟村部分倒塌,周围结构遭到破坏。 The 28-hour blaze led to the full collapse of one building and partial collapse of Seven Songbirds Boutique, along with damage to surrounding structures. 目前正在努力向受影响的人提供支助。 Support efforts are underway for those affected.