在阿拉巴马州,70岁的Daniel Chenault死于一辆卡车的车祸;他的妻子受伤。 In Alabama, 70-year-old Daniel Chenault died in a car crash with a truck; his wife was injured.
70岁的Decatur居民Daniel G. Chenault于星期二晚在阿拉巴马州Trinity附近发生悲剧性事故, In a tragic accident on Tuesday evening near Trinity, Alabama, 70-year-old Decatur resident Daniel G. Chenault died after a collision between his Hyundai Santa Fe and a Freightliner Cascadia tractor-trailer. 他的73岁妻子Patricia Chenault也在坠机中受伤,被送往Decatur总医院。 His 73-year-old wife, Patricia Chenault, was also injured in the crash and taken to Decatur General Hospital. 阿拉巴马州警正在调查这起事件。 The Alabama State Troopers are investigating the incident.