10月31日 亚拉巴马富兰克林县 发生车祸 杀害了68岁的肯尼·R·佩蒂 A head-on crash in Franklin County, Alabama, on October 31, killed 68-year-old Kenny R. Petty.
10月31日亚拉巴马州富兰克林县243号公路发生正面碰撞, 68岁的Kenny R. Petty死于Phil Campbell。 A head-on collision on Highway 243 in Franklin County, Alabama, on October 31, resulted in the death of 68-year-old Kenny R. Petty from Phil Campbell. 福特F150 与道奇拉姆2500相撞 导致两辆卡车停在路边撞树 Petty's Ford F-150 collided with a Dodge Ram 2500, causing both trucks to veer off the road and strike trees. 没有带安全带的佩蒂在现场死亡,另一名司机和一名乘客住院治疗。 Petty, who was not wearing a seatbelt, died at the scene, while the other driver and a passenger were hospitalized. 阿拉巴马州执法机构正在调查这一事件。 The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency is investigating the incident.