印度一名13岁的男孩死于自杀,手机上瘾被怀疑是自杀的一个因素。 A 13-year-old boy in India dies by suicide, with mobile phone addiction suspected as a factor.
一名13岁的男孩在印度孟加拉鲁邦名叫Dhruva,在父母上班时死于自杀。 A 13-year-old boy named Dhruva in Bengaluru, India, died by suicide while his parents were at work. 事件发生在他的9岁的妹妹面前。 The incident occurred in front of his 9-year-old sister. 警方怀疑Dhruva的手机吸毒成瘾在决定自杀中可能起了一定作用。 Police suspect that Dhruva's mobile phone addiction may have played a role in his decision to take his life. 男孩在试图上吊自杀前 摘掉了他的"乌达达拉" 一条神圣的线 The boy removed his 'udadaara,' a sacred thread, before attempting to hang himself. 他的母亲将他赶到医院,但他一到医院就被宣布死亡。 His mother rushed him to the hospital, but he was declared dead on arrival. 警察正在调查这次悲剧的确切原因。 The police are investigating the exact cause of the tragedy.