TikTok与肯尼亚的当地公司合作,扩大业务,支持内容创作者。 TikTok partners with local firms in Kenya to expand business and support content creators.
TikTok与Aleph控股公司和Wowzi公司联手,以加强在肯尼亚的业务。 TikTok has teamed up with Aleph Holdings and Wowzi to boost its operations in Kenya. Aleph控股公司将管理销售和对当地企业的支持,向他们提供量身定制的广告解决方案。 Aleph Holdings will manage sales and support for local businesses, offering them tailored advertising solutions. Wowzi将协助本地内容创作者与品牌联结, Wowzi will assist local content creators in connecting with brands, aiming to grow their reach and success. 这些伙伴关系旨在增强肯尼亚的数字经济和创意生态系统。 The partnerships are designed to enhance Kenya's digital economy and creative ecosystem.