《好声音》的参赛者瑞安·怀特·马洛尼 (Ryan Whyte Maloney) 在拉斯维加斯自杀身亡,享年 44 岁。 Ryan Whyte Maloney, a contestant from "The Voice," died by suicide at 44 in Las Vegas.
瑞安·怀特·马洛尼 《之声》第六季的参赛者 瑞安·怀特·马洛尼44岁自杀身亡 Ryan Whyte Maloney, a contestant on season six of "The Voice," died by suicide at age 44. 克拉克县验尸官证实他在拉斯维加斯死亡 表明是自残枪伤造成的 The Clark County Coroner confirmed his death in Las Vegas, revealing it was due to a self-inflicted gunshot wound. 马洛尼于 2014 年在该节目中声名鹊起,他在去世前几个小时发布了一段视频,显示他在酒吧里,看起来精神抖擞。 Maloney, who gained fame on the show in 2014, had posted a video just hours before his death showing him at a bar, appearing in good spirits. 粉丝和娱乐业已表示哀悼。 Fans and the entertainment industry have expressed condolences.