菲律宾2024年Q3GDP增长率为5.2%,因贸易滑坡和台风而缺少年度目标。 Philippines' 2024 Q3 GDP growth at 5.2%, missing annual target due to trade dip and typhoons.
菲律宾经济在2024年第三季度保持5.2%的国内生产总值增长率,教育、制造业和金融服务业部门有所上升。 The Philippine economy maintained a 5.2% GDP growth rate in the third quarter of 2024, with upward revisions in education, manufacturing, and financial services sectors. 尽管取得了这些进展,但贸易和出口的下调表明,该国可能没有达到2024年6.6%至6.5%的增长目标,部分原因是10月和11月发生台风。 Despite these gains, downward revisions in trade and exports suggest the country likely missed its 2024 growth target of 6-6.5%, partly due to typhoons in October and November. 全年经济业绩数据将于1月30日发布。 The full-year economic performance data will be released on January 30.