尼日利亚向学生支付入读职业学校的费用,并激励教师解决技能差距问题。 Nigeria pays students to attend vocational schools and incentivizes teachers to address skills gap.
尼日利亚政府计划向学生支付在职业学校上学的费用,鼓励手工艺人传授实践技能,以解决国家的技能差距,促进经济增长。 The Nigerian government plans to pay students to attend vocational schools and incentivize craftspeople to teach hands-on skills, aiming to address the country's skills gap and promote economic growth. 学生将领取津贴,完成学业后,他们将获得创业补助金和低息贷款。 Students will receive stipends, and upon completion, they'll get entrepreneurial grants and access to low-interest loans. 该倡议包括一个全国性的监测系统,以确保高质量的培训。 The initiative includes a nationwide monitoring system to ensure quality training.