尼日利亚向30所农业大学拨款63M美元,用于机械化耕作和培训。 Nigeria allocates $63M to 30 agriculture universities for mechanized farming and training.
尼日利亚政府已为其30所农业大学拨款300亿奈拉,以开始机械化农作,每所农业大学都获得10亿奈拉。 The Nigerian government has allocated N30 billion to its 30 agriculture universities to start mechanized farming, with each receiving N1 billion. 该倡议旨在使各大学重新关注其核心农业任务。 This initiative aims to refocus the universities on their core agricultural mandates. 此外,将利用170亿新元在18所医学院培训保健专业人员,并提供开办补助金支持学生创业。 Additionally, N17 billion will be used to train healthcare professionals at 18 medical schools, and startup grants will be provided to support student entrepreneurship.