Mattawan男子在12月23日故意用卡车打两个人后被判犯有二级谋杀罪。 Mattawan man found guilty of second-degree murder after intentionally hitting two people with his truck on Dec. 23.
Gregory Campos,34岁,来自Mattawan的男子,12月23日一名28岁的Decatur妇女死亡后,被判犯有二级谋杀罪和其他罪名。 Gregory Campos, a 34-year-old man from Mattawan, was found guilty of second-degree murder and other charges following the December 23 death of a 28-year-old Decatur woman. Campos正在寻找他的女朋友,他与这名妇女和Paw Paw的一名28岁男子发生争执,故意用卡车打他俩。 Campos, who was looking for his girlfriend, got into an altercation with the woman and a 28-year-old man from Paw Paw, intentionally hitting both with his truck. 该名妇女因伤势过重而死亡,而该男子则受了无生命威胁的伤。 The woman died from her injuries, while the man suffered non-life-threatening injuries. 坎波斯被发现身边有甲基胺, 并且承认使用它. Campos was found with methamphetamine on him and admitted to using it. 他将于3月18日判刑。 He will be sentenced on March 18.