在俄亥俄州Bexley,天然气站工人在争议后被刺伤;嫌疑人被捕,其他人被拘留。 Gas station worker stabbed in Bexley, Ohio, after dispute; suspect arrested, others detained.
俄亥俄州Bexley的一个加油站工人,星期二上午在与一个顾客发生争执后被刺伤。 A gas station worker in Bexley, Ohio, was stabbed on Tuesday morning after an argument with a customer. 该工人在危急但稳定的条件下被送往医院。 The worker was taken to the hospital in critical but stable condition. 嫌犯乘一辆银色福特小卡车逃跑,后来被拦截,逮捕一人,拘留另外两人。 The suspect fled in a silver Ford pickup truck and was later stopped, leading to the arrest of one person and the detention of two others. 警察仍在调查这起事件。 Police are still investigating the incident.