被特朗普赦免的前 1 月 6 日骚乱者马修·赫特尔 (Matthew Huttle) 在一次交通拦截中被一名副手开枪打死。 Former Jan. 6 rioter Matthew Huttle, pardoned by Trump, was fatally shot by a deputy during a traffic stop.
42 岁的印第安纳州男子马修·赫特尔 (Matthew Huttle) 因在 1 月 6 日国会大厦骚乱中的作用而被前总统唐纳德·特朗普赦免,他在一次交通拦截中被一名治安官的副手开枪打死。 Matthew Huttle, 42, an Indiana man pardoned by former President Donald Trump for his role in the January 6 Capitol riot, was fatally shot by a sheriff's deputy during a traffic stop. 赫特尔在争吵期间持有枪支,这是在副手试图逮捕他时发生的。 Huttle was in possession of a firearm during the altercation, which occurred when the deputy attempted to arrest him. 在事件调查期间,该副手已被行政休假。 The deputy has been placed on administrative leave while the incident is investigated. 赫特尔此前曾因参与骚乱而入狱六个月。 Huttle had previously served six months in prison for his involvement in the riot.