印第安纳州一名副手Schreiber下士在伊利诺伊州被扣为人质时被枪杀,当时正在协助,但预计无法幸存;嫌疑人被打死。 Corporal Schreiber, a deputy in Indiana, was shot during a hostage situation in Illinois while assisting, not expected to survive; suspect killed.
下士Brandon Schreiber是印第安纳牛顿县治安官办公室的副手,9月1日在协助伊利诺伊州人质事件时,在警察追捕中被枪杀。 Corporal Brandon Schreiber, a deputy with the Newton County Sheriff's Office in Indiana, was shot during a police pursuit on September 1 while assisting in a hostage situation in Illinois. 预计他伤势不会幸存下来。 He is not expected to survive his injuries. 武装嫌疑人安德鲁·罗塞利乌斯 (Andrew Roselius) 在交火中被杀。 The armed suspect, Andrew Roselius, was killed in the exchange. 器官捐赠者施赖贝尔将通过其牺牲帮助他人。 Schreiber, an organ donor, will help others through his sacrifice. 伊利诺伊州警察局正在调查这一事件。 An investigation into the incident is ongoing by the Illinois State Police.