前监狱中尉本杰明·舒梅克 (Benjamin Shoemaker) 承认与他人合谋虐待囚犯,导致他死亡。 Former jail lieutenant Benjamin Shoemaker admits to conspiring with others to mistreat an inmate, leading to his death.
Benjamin Shoemaker,前沃克县监狱中尉,被联邦法院承认与其他官员密谋剥夺医疗照顾,使囚犯的牢房条件恶劣,导致该囚犯死亡。 Benjamin Shoemaker, a former Walker County Jail lieutenant, admitted in federal court to conspiring with other officers to deny medical care and keep an inmate's cell in poor conditions, leading to the inmate's death. 这是9名警官对与2023年囚犯Anthony Mitchell的虐待和死亡有关的指控认罪的大案件的一部分。 This is part of a larger case where nine officers have pleaded guilty to charges related to the mistreatment and death of inmate Anthony Mitchell in 2023. Shoemaker因参与共谋和袭击囚犯而面临终身监禁。 Shoemaker faces up to life in prison for his role in the conspiracy and assaults on inmates.