印第安纳州Elkhart的旧农场公寓发生火灾,部队驻地撤离;原因不明。 Fire at Old Farm Apartments in Elkhart, Indiana, forces resident evacuations; cause unknown.
星期一晚上在印第安纳州Elkhart的旧农场公寓发生火灾, 消防员用梯子从阳台救出居民。 A fire broke out at Old Farm Apartments in Elkhart, Indiana, on Monday night, prompting firefighters to rescue residents from balconies using ladders. 火灾始于一座三层楼的二楼,被扑灭,没有报告有人受伤。 The fire started on the second floor of a three-story building and was extinguished without any reported injuries. 火灾的原因仍然不明,红十字会和公寓管理部门正在协助流离失所的居民。 The cause of the fire remains unknown, and the Red Cross and apartment management are assisting displaced residents.