欧盟计划「竞争力指南」提振经济, 面对支持与批评。 EU plans "Competitiveness Compass" to boost economy, facing both support and criticism.
欧洲委员会计划揭开其“竞争力指南”, 目的是提升欧盟对中国和美国的经济竞争力。 The European Commission plans to unveil its "Competitiveness Compass," aimed at boosting EU economic competitiveness against China and the US. 这将包括简化商业规章,提供更多的补贴,以及支持欧洲投标人签订公共合同。 It will include simplifying business regulations, offering more subsidies, and favoring European bidders on public contracts. 关键领域侧重于创新、清洁技术和减少对外国原材料的依赖。 Key areas focus on innovation, clean technology, and reducing dependency on foreign raw materials. 该倡议虽然受到一些人的欢迎,但因有可能破坏环境标准和社会保护而面临批评。 The initiative, while welcomed by some, faces criticism for potentially undermining environmental standards and social protections.