社区为McShann四人的家人举行烛光守夜, Community holds candlelight vigil for McShann family of four killed in apartment fire.
独立城举行了烛光守夜活动,以纪念 1 月 22 日在公寓火灾中不幸丧生的 McShann 一家四口。 A candlelight vigil was held in Independence to honor the McShann family of four, who tragically died in an apartment fire on January 22. 这起火灾是由一个无人看守的炉灶引发的,使Katelyn、DeVante McShann及其女儿Bella(8)和Aaliyah(3)死亡。 The fire, sparked by an unattended stove, left Katelyn, DeVante McShann, and their daughters, Bella (8) and Aaliyah (3), deceased. 100多人参加了守夜活动,包括家人、教师和邻居。 Over 100 people attended the vigil, including family, teachers, and neighbors. 用于丧葬费的AGOFFME已超过60 000美元。 A GoFundMe for funeral expenses has surpassed $60,000. 社区对在这一困难时期表现出的团结表示支持和感谢。 The community expressed support and gratitude for the unity shown during this difficult time.