AD04药物报告显示,在特定病人中治疗酒精使用病有希望。 Adial Pharmaceuticals reports AD04 drug shows promise for treating Alcohol Use Disorder in specific patients.
Adial制药公司报告说,对AD04 -- -- 一种酒精使用紊乱药物(AUD) -- -- 进行的一项药理动能研究取得了积极成果,该药物针对的是5-HT3基因标记的患者。 Adial Pharmaceuticals reported positive results from a pharmacokinetics study of AD04, a drug for Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) in patients with a specific 5-HT3 gene marker. 研究表明,AD04的效益随剂量而相应提高,可以随食物或无食物一起服用。 The study showed that AD04's effectiveness increased proportionally with dose and can be taken with or without food. 这些调查结果支持药物在即将进行的登记审判中的使用,并符合林业发展局关于通过505(b)(2)途径予以批准的要求。 These findings support the drug's use in upcoming registration trials and align with FDA requirements for approval via a 505(b)(2) pathway. 该公司计划很快与林业发展局会晤,以最后确定第三阶段的试验设计。 The company plans to meet with the FDA soon to finalize Phase 3 trial designs.