阿联酋提供至多1.5M美元,用于研究如何增加雨量以促进水安全。 UAE offers up to $1.5M for research on enhancing rain for water security.
阿联酋雨量增强科学方案(雨量增强科学方案)已开启了第6个研究建议周期,为三年内最多3个获奖项目提供了150万美元。 The UAE's Rain Enhancement Science Program (UAEREP) has opened its 6th cycle for research proposals, offering up to $1.5 million for up to three winning projects over three years. 鼓励就云形成和自主系统等五个关键领域提出建议。 Proposals focusing on five key areas such as cloud formation and autonomous systems are encouraged. 登记工作开放至3月13日,3月20日前应提交提案前文件。 Registration is open until March 13, with pre-proposals due by March 20. 该方案旨在加强水安全,并资助了11个项目,自启动以来共获得8项专利。 The program aims to enhance water security and has funded 11 projects, resulting in 8 patents since its launch.