泰勒·哈瓦特因企图闯入硬币机而被捕,并被发现使用非法毒品。 Tyler Harvat was arrested for attempting to break into a coin machine and was found with illegal drugs.
31岁的Tyler Harvat在林肯被捕,当时他受到监视,企图闯入一台用钳子洗车的硬币机。 Tyler Harvat, 31, was arrested in Lincoln after being caught on surveillance attempting to break into a car wash coin machine using pliers. 被捕后,他口袋里的药物检测为苯丙胺、甲基苯丙胺和芬太尼阳性。 Upon his arrest, substances in his pocket tested positive for amphetamines, methamphetamine, and fentanyl. Harvat 现在面临持有窃贼工具、持有受控物质和刑事恶作剧的指控,并被关押在兰开斯特县监狱。 Harvat now faces charges of possessing burglar's tools, possession of a controlled substance, and criminal mischief, and is being held in Lancaster County Jail.