完全的Tubular节带回了80年代的表演, 包括Right Said Fred自90年代以来的首次美国巡回演出。 Totally Tubular Festival brings back 80s acts, including Right Said Fred's first U.S. tour since the '90s.
庆祝 80 年代音乐的 Totally Tubular 音乐节将于今年夏天回归,带来 Men Without Hats、Right Said Fred 和 The Tubes 等表演。 The Totally Tubular Festival, celebrating 80s music, returns this summer with acts like Men Without Hats, Right Said Fred, and The Tubes. 右派说Fred自90年代初以来 将首次到美国巡视 Right Said Fred will tour the U.S. for the first time since the early '90s. 音乐节从圣何塞的6月27日持续到印第安纳波利斯的7月24日, The festival runs from June 27 in San Jose to July 24 in Indianapolis, with stops in major cities. 更多详情请访问 totallytubularfestival.com. For more details, visit totallytubularfestival.com.