2025年全音音乐节将在第25周年纪念日以现场表演和50名乐团重返Devizes. 2025 Fulltone Music Festival returns to Devizes for 25th anniversary with live performances and a 50-piece orchestra.
在威尔特郡的Devizes,吸引了2,000+游客并创下了门票销售记录的Fulltone音乐节,将于2025年7月25日至27日在The Green回归25周年纪念。 Fulltone Music Festival, which attracted 2,000+ visitors & set a record for ticket sales in Devizes, Wiltshire, will return for a 25th anniversary at The Green from July 25-27, 2025. 以前对售票的担忧导致人们对音乐节的继续存疑, 但现在将举行现场音乐表演, 包括50件乐团和嘉宾。 Previous concerns about ticket sales led to doubts about the festival's continuation, but it will now have live music performances, including a 50-piece orchestra & guests. 早起的鸟票以折扣价格提供。 Early bird tickets are available at a discounted price.