爱尔兰青年拘留中心人满为患,释放了青少年大麻交易商。 Teenage cannabis dealer freed due to overcrowding in Irish youth detention center.
一名14岁男孩被指控在都柏林贩卖大麻和屡次违反保释,由于在上城儿童拘留所缺乏空间,他没有被送到拘留所。 A 14-year-old boy accused of dealing cannabis and repeatedly breaching bail in Dublin was not sent to custody due to a lack of space at the Oberstown Children Detention Campus. 尽管有多项指控和20项保释违约,包括宵禁和地区禁令,法官还是不得不释放他。 Despite multiple charges and 20 bail breaches, including a curfew and area bans, the judge had to release him. 这名男孩的母亲在法庭听证会上流泪, 下个月他将再次出庭, 保释条件依然有效。 The boy’s mother was in tears during the court hearing, and he is set to appear in court again next month with bail conditions still in place.