由于过度拥挤,被控非法持有火器的16岁都柏林男孩被保释。 16-year-old Dublin boy charged with unlawful firearm possession released on bail due to overcrowding.
一名来自都柏林的16岁男孩被控非法持有火器,由于上城儿童拘留所人满为患,被保释。 A 16-year-old boy from Dublin, charged with unlawful firearm possession, was released on bail due to overcrowding at Oberstown Children Detention Campus. 尽管有公共安全方面的顾虑,一名法官准予保释,条件包括宵禁7天,不得与其共同被捕者接触。 Despite public safety concerns, a judge granted bail with conditions, including a 7 am curfew and no contact with his co-arrestees. 与他一起被捕的另外四人未经指控获释,等待检察长审查。 The other four individuals, arrested alongside him, were released without charges, pending review by the Director of Public Prosecutions.