新西兰小城镇居民对推迟降低危险道路速度限制感到沮丧。 Small New Zealand town residents frustrated by delays in lowering dangerous road speed limits.
新西兰塔斯曼的小型社区因对高风险农村道路和学校周围实施较低速度限制的拖延而受挫。 Small communities in Tasman, New Zealand, are frustrated by delays in implementing lower speed limits on high-risk rural roads and around schools. 由于政府规则的改变,塔斯曼区议会正在对这些变化进行重新磋商,将执行工作推到2025年晚些时候。 The Tasman District Council is re-consulting on these changes due to a government rule change, pushing the implementation to later in 2025. 居民认为目前的限制是不安全的,而理事会则认为拖延造成繁重的工作量和人员配备问题。 Residents argue the current limits are unsafe, while the council cites a heavy workload and staffing issues for the delays.