苏格兰水费账单在4月将上升9.9%,在每月平均账单上再增加3.68英镑。 Scottish Water bills will rise by 9.9% in April, adding £3.68 to the average monthly bill.
苏格兰自来水自4月开始将账单上涨9.9%,平均每月增加3.68英镑或每年增加44英镑。 Scottish Water will raise bills by 9.9% starting April, increasing average household bills by £3.68 monthly or £44 yearly. 由于极端的天气条件,包括更频繁的干旱和暴雨,这次徒步旅行的目的是为必要的基础设施投资提供资金。 The hike aims to fund necessary infrastructure investment due to extreme weather conditions, including more frequent droughts and heavy rainfall. 在苏格兰260万户家庭中,有一半以上的家庭收取费用得到财政支助。 Over half of Scotland's 2.6 million households receive financial support for their charges. 涨幅与独立监管机构设定的价格上限相符。 The increase aligns with the price cap set by the independent regulator.