黑客发现数字牌照的缺陷 让罪犯改变数字以逃避罚款 Hacker finds flaw in digital license plates that lets criminals alter numbers to dodge fines.
Josep Rodriguez在Reviver的数码牌照上发现一个弱点, 让黑客可以通过智能手机应用程序更改显示的车牌号, 从而有可能逃避通行费和交通罚款。 Security researcher Josep Rodriguez found a vulnerability in Reviver's digital license plates that allows hackers to change the displayed plate number via a smartphone app, potentially enabling evasion of tolls and traffic fines. 缺陷在于硬件层面,需要实际准入和专门工具,尽管罗德里格斯开发了一个简化流程的工具。 The flaw is at the hardware level, requiring physical access and specialized tools, though Rodriguez developed a tool to simplify the process. Reviver 声称这种情况在现实世界中不太可能发生,但正在努力重新设计未来的印版以避免类似的漏洞。 Reviver claims the scenario is unlikely in real-world conditions but is working on redesigning future plates to avoid similar vulnerabilities.