当地妇女Melissa Myszka 31岁,星期一晚上在温彻斯特的车祸后死亡。 Local woman, Melissa Myszka, 31, died Monday night following a car crash in Winchester.
Melissa Myszka 31岁,星期一晚上在Lexington路和Winchester的Hud路交汇处发生车祸后死亡。 Melissa Myszka, 31, died Monday night after a car crash at the intersection of Lexington Road and Hud Road in Winchester. 她被送往肯塔基大学医院,在那里因伤死亡。 She was transported to the University of Kentucky Hospital, where she died from her injuries. 克拉克郡警察局正在调查事故原因 The Clark County Sheriff's Office is investigating the cause of the accident.