37岁的Melissa Wood死于8月10日在密歇根州Saginaw镇发生的一起肇事逃逸事故,该事故是由一名44岁的St. Louis妇女造成的。 37-year-old Melissa Wood died in a hit-and-run accident caused by a 44-year-old St. Louis woman in Saginaw Township, MI, on August 10.
现年37岁的梅丽莎·伍德于8月10日在密歇根州萨吉诺镇的一次逃跑事故中死亡. 37-year-old Melissa Wood died in a hit-and-run accident in Saginaw Township, MI, on August 10. 嫌疑人是一名44岁的圣路易斯妇女,未能在红灯下停车,导致她的2005年福特F-150与伍德的2016年雪佛兰马利布在蒂塔巴瓦西路和医院路的交叉处相撞. The suspect, a 44-year-old St. Louis woman, failed to stop at a red light, causing her 2005 Ford F-150 to collide with Wood's 2016 Chevrolet Malibu at the intersection of Tittabawassee Road and Hospital Road. Ford的司机和一名乘客逃离现场,但后来被捕,正在等待刑事指控。 Both the driver and a passenger in the Ford fled the scene but were later arrested and are awaiting criminal charges.