印度律师理事会将很快公布AIBE结果,这对法律毕业生的认证至关重要。 India's Bar Council to release AIBE results soon, crucial for law graduates' certification.
印度律师理事会预计很快会公布Alindiabarview.com的AIBE 19考试结果。 The Bar Council of India is expected to release the AIBE 19 results soon on allindiabarexamination.com. 候选人可以使用他们的登记身份和密码检查他们的得分。 Candidates can check their scores using their registration ID and password. 一般候选人和OBC候选人的通过率为45%,在册种姓、在册部落和残疾人候选人的通过率为40%。 The passing marks are 45% for general and OBC candidates, and 40% for SC, ST, and PWD candidates. 考试于2024年12月22日举行, 并于2024年12月28日发布临时答案, 并开放反对窗口至2025年1月10日。 The exam was held on December 22, 2024, and had a provisional answer key released on December 28, 2024, with an objection window open until January 10, 2025. 在印度,法律毕业生必须获得执业证书和执业法,才能通过AIBE。 Passing the AIBE is mandatory for law graduates to obtain the Certificate of Practice and practice law in India.