印度律师理事会公布AIBE 19考试结果,通过率约为40-45%。 India's Bar Council to release results for AIBE 19 exam, with a pass rate of about 40-45%.
印度律师理事会将很快公布2024年12月22日举行的AIBE 19考试的结果。 The Bar Council of India will soon release the results of the AIBE 19 exam, held on December 22, 2024. 候选人在公布结果后,可使用登记证和密码在官方网站上查看结果。 Candidates can check results on the official website using their registration ID and password after the results are announced. 通过率为一般候选人的40-45%, SC,ST和PWD类别的40%左右. The pass rate is around 40-45% for general candidates and 40% for SC, ST, and PWD categories. 不会有负标记,每个正确答复都有一个标记。 There will be no negative marking, with one mark awarded for each correct answer. 考生可以访问www.allindiabarexamination.com. For updates, candidates should visit allindiabarexamination.com.