加纳在2025年3月8日前启动GOLDBOD,使小规模矿工的黄金贸易正式化。 Ghana launches GOLDBOD to formalize gold trade from small-scale miners by March 8, 2025.
加纳准备在2025年3月8日前启动加纳黄金委员会(GOLDBOD),以简化小规模矿工的黄金采购,增加收入,减少走私。 Ghana is set to launch the Ghana Gold Board (GOLDBOD) by March 8, 2025, to streamline gold purchases from small-scale miners, increase earnings, and reduce smuggling. 该董事会由财政部长Cassiel Ato Forson博士宣布,将作为这些矿工的黄金的唯一买主、卖主、卖主和出口商。 The board, announced by Finance Minister Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson, will act as the sole buyer, assayer, seller, and exporter of gold from these miners. 其目的是使黄金交易部门正规化,加强可追踪性,并寻求伦敦金刚石市场协会的认证,以确保遵守人权和环境标准。 It aims to formalize the gold trading sector, enhance traceability, and pursue certification from the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) to ensure adherence to human rights and environmental standards. 已经设立了一个由21名成员组成的技术委员会,以制定GOLDBOD的法律和运作框架。 A 21-member Technical Committee has been established to develop the legal and operational framework for GOLDBOD.