前总统特朗普对普利策委员会提起的诽谤诉讼 可能会被推迟直到他离职 Former President Trump's defamation lawsuit against the Pulitzer Board may be delayed until he leaves office.
前总统特朗普对普利策委员会提起诽谤诉讼,指控《纽约时报》和《华盛顿邮报》报道俄罗斯干预选举而获得赔偿,该诉讼可能面临延误。 Former President Trump's defamation lawsuit against the Pulitzer Board over awards to the New York Times and Washington Post for their coverage of Russian election interference faces a potential delay. Pulitzer委员会利用自己过去的法律论点,即州法院不能对现任总统行使管辖权,要求法官暂停审理此案,直到Trump离职为止。 The Pulitzer Board is asking a judge to pause the case until Trump is out of office, using his own past legal arguments that state courts cannot exercise jurisdiction over a sitting president.