前总统特朗普的律师寻求最高法院驳回选举阴谋起诉书。 Former President Trump's lawyers seek Supreme Court dismissal of election conspiracy indictment.
前总统特朗普的律师正在寻求驳回一项指控他密谋推翻 2020 年选举结果的起诉书,并声称他不会因在白宫采取的官方行为而受到起诉。 Former President Trump's lawyers are seeking the dismissal of an indictment accusing him of conspiring to overturn the 2020 election results, claiming he is immune from prosecution for official acts taken in the White House. 最高法院定于 4 月 25 日听取辩论,这可能会影响特别检察官杰克·史密斯是否可以在 11 月大选前对特朗普进行审判。 The Supreme Court is set to hear arguments on April 25, potentially affecting whether special counsel Jack Smith can put Trump on trial before the November election. 下级法院此前曾两次驳回特朗普的豁免权主张,但高等法院决定考虑此事,导致刑事案件被搁置。 Lower courts have previously rejected Trump's immunity claims twice, but the high court's decision to consider the matter has put the criminal case on hold.