前军官Beaumont Lamarre-Condon面临两起谋杀案的指控,并将接受精神病测试。 Former officer Beaumont Lamarre-Condon faces charges for two murders and will undergo psychiatric testing.
前警官Beaumont Lamarre-Condon在被控谋杀Qantas空姐Luke Davies和电视主持人Jesse Baird之后,将接受精神病测试。 Former police officer Beaumont Lamarre-Condon will undergo psychiatric testing after being accused of murdering Qantas flight attendant Luke Davies and TV presenter Jesse Baird. Lamarre-Condon面临指控,包括两项与家庭暴力有关的谋杀罪和一项越狱入室罪。 Lamarre-Condon faces charges including two counts of domestic violence-related murder and one of break and enter. 警方声称,他以Baird为目标数月后向受害者开枪。 Police allege he shot the victims after months of targeting Baird. 他的律师正在等待检察官的全部证据。 His lawyers await full evidence from prosecutors. 案件定于3月退回法院。 The case is set to return to court in March.